
A word for 2018

It's February, and past the halfway point at that! I hope that the year is treating you well.

We spent the past week in the Peak District. My southern bones were wearied by the cold, and my East Anglian soul leary of the altitude, but the blue skies and quiet landscape pulled together by snow were a soothing winter tonic.

There were vegan options everywhere to fortify me against the cold, so that helped. I find that tea and cake helps in most situations.

Whilst away, I finished reading my first book of 2018, If Women Rose Rooted by Sharon Blackie. Part autobiography, part eulogy to Celtic myth and legend, and part self help book; I picked it up on a whim expecting it to not be my cup of tea. Instead, I've spent much of the week reevaluating my place in the world and all that I have forgotten.

Rootedness. It is something that I need, something that I have had fleeting grasp of in the past. I've seen rooted people, confident and complete - I'd like to be like them. On my travels I have seen peoples truly rooted in place - rarely in Britain. We have lost much of our native lore, flora, fauna, landscape, community, skills and sustainable ways of being in the world. I would like to recover that.

And so this is my word for 2018. Rootedness. It's already taken root within me and has me questioning everything. What's your word for the coming year?

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